Foot On Face

With these pictures i have intended to do a study of the reactions that may be experienced when a foot, which is not usually considered a means of introduction, is placed on somebody's face.
The initial contact with this part of our body represents an unusual way to meet for the first time, but it is both effective and direct as it does not require any sort of filter. the reaction to this kind of approach doesn't always generate a surprise response; indeed in many cases it appears to be completely normal.
The only true clear thing is the stretching and pressing on the skin of the face, the moving of the eyebrow or the pulling down of the lower lips. this freedom of expression is intended to lead to a practical outcome: to be yourself when you come into contact with another person.this is due to the fact that anything that appears to be different, alien to our experience, causes in us a reaction of detachement. therefore, in this case, the foot (the alien element) assumes an imposing value of "i'm here even though you dont' want to see me". As a consequence a new expressive language is formed. A universal code that can be easily understood by all, achieving the highest communicative level and involving more social strata.foot on the face tells the story of human beings that live their "contact" experiences with a lower world, namely the foot, wich is the support that allows an upright position. It is said that the shape of our feet reveals a lot about characteristic and various sides of our nature.

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